Increase the potency of folk remedies

Products that increase the power is:

  • the red meat;
  • seafood;
  • nuts;
  • the vegetables, especially the turnips;
  • dairy products, etc

Let's start with the most simple way – with a cup of coffee. You will be surprised, but this drink increases male libido. Of course, if they are not abused.


Every day in the food you eat 2-3 cloves of garlic.

Use the berries of the black elderberry every day, it also has a positive effect on the power.

Few people know that to increase the power, you can, by eating daikon – japanese radish. Moreover, this vegetable is neutral in its composition, and even if men are problems in the gastrointestinal tract, daikon radish, you can include in the diet without fear.

You need to clean the daikon and rub it on a fine grater. Take 2 daikon radish, 2 carrots, 2 apples, medium-sized. All of this rub on a grater. Add the juice, squeezed from the half lemon and the zest. Now, you need to mix, add honey to taste and transfer into a container. Take received the tool 1 tablespoon three times per day.

Beneficial effects on the human body with fruits and vegetables. The best ways to increase libido may be the onions and the tomatoes. The cooked tomatoes in the oven, seasoned with persil will help you to enhance the potency and raising the general tone of the body.

It should not be forgotten herbs. For example, garlic. It contains a large amount of vitamins. All of these items cleans the cardio-vascular system against pollutants and toxins, improves the blood. After the cleaning of blood vessels, the blood begins to flow, which allows you to boost the power.

Is this a simple spice, cinnamon, will also help increase the power.

Always useful to raise the power of eating raw celery and potatoes in the oven, it is very well also helps to increase male potency.

Also effective to include in her diet of meat and raw carrots, that need to be mixed with the butter.

Infusions and teas in a complex with honey will also be very useful to improve the power.

To improve the power, it is recommended to consume fish, vegetables, seafood, tomatoes, walnuts, and olive oil.

A good way is basil. Add this spicy herb in the meat or fish, as well as in salads.

Try to eat a balanced diet. Eat meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruit. Please note, daikon, walnuts, ginger, fresh cream, dried fruit, and don't forget to add in the dishes of spices.

You need to review your diet, nutrition must be correct, balanced, it is particularly important to the consumption of foods rich in protein, so that man is necessary in the power and energy. Include in your diet sunflower seeds, nuts.

They contain important vitamin E, which promotes the well-being, and support you in the form. The indians to increase sexual desire use a mixture of nuts and honey.

Such a mixture can be composed of various proportions, and to consume two teaspoons of coffee after the meal, for thirty days.

Also an excellent aid to increase the potency of men pickled garlic. Prepare it at home easily.

Infusions and herbal teas

Chop the garlic, pour in water and infuse in a dark place, you need each day stir the mixture. About 30 days of infusion is ready.

Take this mixture on a teaspoon, drinking milk (a glass). Of this infusion effect will not make you wait a long time and with the increased power.

Eliminate from your diet foods that can reduce power: alcoholic drinks, energy drinks, soft drinks, sweet, strong coffee. Limit your intake of bakery products and potatoes. Eat more vegetables and fruits.

Eat more seafood.

For the power is very useful for the greens. Therefore, and recipes to improve the quality of sexual life herbal very, very well. As well, you can take the persil and coriander, all grind, mix, and simply add in the kitchen every day, 1 teaspoon. You can do this dose on a number of techniques.

In equal proportions, take the cilantro and persil. Mix, stir and add 1 tablespoon of food each day. Quick and easy!

It may be useful to add in the diet with good multivitamin complex, which also allows you to increase the power.

How to increase male potency in the nuts?

We know that many remedies to combat impotence include nuts. This is not surprising, because they are very many useful trace elements and fats.

They repair the hormone levels and allow you to get the right amount of nutrients. The nuts are available, but because you need to use to increase the power.

How to prepare a remedy of nuts? To do this, mix the powdered nuts with honey in equal proportions. Also fits the pine nuts, which have a need to grind in a mortar and mix with water.

In the woods of cedar nuts contain a lot of vitamin E, and it is he who retrieves the hormones, which helps to normalize the levels of the male hormone, the testosterone and allows you to increase the power.

Use the healing power of nuts that are very useful for the power. Particularly good nuts.

You can eat 8-16 nuts per day, to enhance goat milk. There is another recipe, according to which the nuts are taken in equal proportions of honey (nuts pre-grind, of course).

A successful tool for the power, who take 2 teaspoons 2 to 3 times per day 30 minutes before meals. This mixture you can also drink milk.

A treatment prescription for activities carried out during 20-30 days.

Then, we give a remedies to improve power in the form of recipes, the most effective and proven at this time.

Propolis and honey

The products of apiculture for a long time were effective to improve the power. and have been applied to traditional medicine to improve erection. In ancient times, the men ate mixed nuts with honey.

Every day 3-4 times to mix 30 drops with warm milk (150 gr.) and drink half an hour before meals.

The wax cake remaining after the spin cycle in any case, it is not necessary to throw them out. From there, you can make candles. They are effective for the recovery of the libido.


The diet, which treat the sexual dysfunction

The doctors recommend before the change of diet to turn to the specialists, to reveal the mystery of the pathology, in which the standard power supply can cause damage, and without having poor health.

Especially useful for men with erectile dysfunction protein-rich foods, containing a small amount of fat. These include:

  • lean meat — rabbit, chicken, beef, lean lamb;
  • the caviar of fish;
  • the grain legumes and grass (the green), belonging to this family;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • eggs, it is desirable quail;
  • low-fat and non-salted cheeses;
  • fish (mainly marine).

In addition to the let us pray to the product, it is recommended to eat herbs, vegetables (winter squash, including zucchini, cucumbers and, in fact, the pumpkin with the seeds), rice, cereals, and grains.

Improve the process of the synthesis of male sex hormones help to spice, which must be in moderate amount to add in the dishes. Increase the levels of testosterone will help you to cloves, ginger and pods of chili-pepper, cinnamon and other herbs with pungent taste, with the exception of saffron. You can also vary the menu of traditional fermented products of asian countries.

The herbal medicine as a way to eliminate erectile dysfunction

This method of strengthening male sexual performance the older method mentioned above, which has not less than several hundreds of years. For its implementation will require herbs that you can easily prepare yourself for use at home. In addition, it may be necessary to the products of beekeeping. In short, the recipes of traditional medicine offers a great variety.

The hops

Thus, during the inflammatory response to the nature of impotence, should be the focus on the normalisation of the circulation, and tissue repair. This can help and herbs with anti-inflammatory properties, antimicrobial and regenerating effect, of decoctions which you need to take during the day in small doses. Also a crucial tool to become candles with honey or propolis.

Remedies to improve power in men

We all know that power is the ability of men to act, to produce, to perform a real actor of the function. Sex life (regular) has beneficial effects on all the functions of the body, appears to be in a good mood, vitality, and self-confidence.

To do this, it is very important for impotence in men that everything was going well and if it is lowered, it is necessary to apply measures to improve it. But, unfortunately, statistics show that the problem of poor erection meets a man on three.

Defective sexual life because of impotence problems is the main emotional trauma for men. Because power does not only depend on the possibility of the sexual act, but the direction and the strength of the libido, the duration of the sexual act, which is due to the quality and duration of the erection.

These indicators can have a strong, average or weak character.

Many try for this problem is difficult to pass over in silence. Among other things, completely lost, as we have already talked about the fact that modern medicine, in fact, made miracles, and doctors are able to help men in restoring the power.

This is why, we recommend you first consult with a specialist. Folk remedies to improve power in this case, is not forbidden, but use it only as a complement to treatment, and not as a way to get rid of all the problems.

Very important for the doctor that I learned that, what are the remedies that you intend to use. Some of the teas, the herbs, and the costs are the contra-indications, and at this time, you can discuss it with a specialist.

How to apply revenues to improve the power?

Folk remedies is the "heavy artillery" in the fight to increase the power. Many herbs and products are potent stimulants of male sexual performance. The use of these remedies is good with the intimate of the health of the representatives of the male sex:

  1. The cones of hops. Take a large spoon dried hop cones and mix it with a glass full of boiling water. Let it rest for forty minutes. After filtering and divide-the infusion of two halves. Eat before breakfast and after dinner.
  2. Ginger with honey and walnuts. Crush the nuts. Connect the dry ginger and natural honey in equal quantities. Eat received before breakfast, lunch and dinner for a large spoon.
  3. Nettle
  4. The decoction of the root of ginseng. Pour into the bowl of the glass of carrot juice and add fifty grams of grated ginseng root. Bring the mixture to a boil. Drink received in the course of the day.

Of garlic to improve the power

  • Boiled turnip. Take the small turnip, chop into cubes and boil in milk with a high percentage of fat. He preferred before bedtime.
  • Nettle decoction. Sprinkle with one hundred grams of nettle leaves in a saucepan with half a liter of water. Boil for eight minutes. Divide the broth and drink at lunchtime and in the evening.
  • The root of calamus. The tool is interesting to use in the form of a gum. Chewing the root of aira before breakfast, lunch and dinner for a few minutes.
  • Quickly improve power will help the carrot juice

    List of the recipes effective

    Traditional medicine and official, provides for the use of tools, of which the action is aimed at the elimination of factors traumatic, to restore the functions of organs and systems. Also important in the strengthening of erectile function, prevention of negative on the body of different factors.

    According to the forecast years the principles, the most appropriate methods to raise the tone are:

    • The normalization of the diet with the mandatory inclusion of products, which are stimulants of power.
    • The increase of physical activity within the limits of the reasonable.
    • The strengthening of immunity at the expense of the consumption of vitamins, minerals and to use as a means of stimulation in the home.
    • The restoration of the metabolism and the improvement of the synthesis of hormones means (including using herbs, honey, etc).

    All of these methods have a single purpose — for a complete recovery of functions of all systems of the body and of the male sex of a particular system.

    For the recovery of the sexual function there are a variety of simple techniques:

    Ginger with honey
    • hops. A teaspoon of hop cones, pour a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Broth, drain, let cool, and take half a cup 2-3 times per day;
    • the honey and the walnuts are a delicious way to improve male potency. For the preparation of the mixture, you should mix the nuts with the liquid in the honey and take two teaspoons half an hour before meals. It is very useful of the recipe is not only for power, but for the work of the cardio-vascular system;
    • garlic is a simple way to enhance the strength of men. For cooking it takes a kg of garlic finely chopped and throw them into three-liter jar, pour the brim of the boiling water and leave to infuse for 30 days. After this, take one teaspoon per day at any time of the day;
    • carrots. The carrot juice is good to increase the power. For this, it is recommended to consume fresh fruit juices 3 times a day for 100 ml;
    • the ginger. The most effective is the recipe of a mix of ginger powder with honey. The ingredients are taken in equal quantities and mixed together. Received the tool is characterized by a bracing of the action and decision of teaspoon 3 times per day.

    Quality and regular sex with a woman are not simply part of the life of men, but as a means of optimization of the circulation, has a beneficial effect on all the other systems and organs.